Take a Breath for Change!

Learn the Steps, Create a New Pattern


What do you want to change?

Maybe you want to change some habits, or improve how you work or study, or perhaps you need to address health concerns.

Why is it important to change?

Chronic stress builds up from our challenges and spills into other areas. We all strive to do better, and there is so much information and even inspiration in the media. But…is it working?

How do we change?

It’s easy, but difficult…because we must move past our unconscious resistance, not with will or force, but with new intentions and an empowered relaxation response.

Take a Breath for Change is a different way to make those changes…big or small. With the B.R.A.V.E. methodology, we experience change while we remain relaxed.

Once you have the experience of remaining aware while relaxed, and you feel it, you have built the beginnings of a new ‘brain map’ This becomes a new pathway to replace the one that has been affecting or undermining you.


Learn how to Be B.R.A.V.E. with an engaging and creative methodology for self-regulation:

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Create a relaxation response in the body.



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Notice the effects of tension in the body and mind.



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Work through challenging emotions and events.

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Imagery and imagination for growth and development.

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Build confidence and resiliency in new situations.

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"The Take a Breath techniques teach us how to focus on the breath, feel sensation and be present. I am excited to bring this to my own school as well as use with my own children at home. This practice can relate to all of us. "

Parent / Educator

Your Future…is change

Take a Breath for Change is a practice of mindfulness to create lasting change. A ripple effect can begin to influence those around you. You may begin to feel that change or hear from others “there is something different about you!”. Our objective is to help you meet your mindfulness where it is. We want you to have an authentic experience, not just entertain or distract you momentarily. We do that through a variety of tools we offer with Take a Breath for Change.

We often refer to the work of Joseph Campbell who refers to “The Hero’s Journey”, a cycle, a pattern which leads us forward into the future. Using Take a Breath will give you the ability to understand that pattern and know, intuitively, what next steps to explore.

What then? You become a ‘graduate’ in mindfulness. You can then go deeper by practicing more specific practices, or explore scripts to record your own voice, leading yourself. Or Perhaps you may choose to use our assessment tools, support another person, or introduce these practices to a group. Ultimately joining this movement to create…Change!